
The Robin Hood Factor is a provider of free, PDF downloads of entertaining and impactful, remastered
classical works of fiction and philosophy. These works are also available for purchase in printed formats


Free PDF Downloads of Documents and Books That We Didn't Publish

(But which are part of the Robin Hood Factor that runs through our other books)

American Dreams

The Holy Torah

The Holy Bible

Videos of Books

The "3 R's" of leadership,

Righteous | Rogue | Rebel, are woven throughout the selections on these pages. Each of those works is a piece of the safety net that prevents society from destroying itself or from being destroyed by adversaries of We The People.

For the most part, Where Is Robyn selections present the 3 R's in an assortment of ways --- From plays, fables and novels to less entertaining works of political philosophy

In addition to our archives of remastered books and one page synopses, the synopsis pages list links to the books upon which each synopsis was based.

Those books are also available for free downloads at gutenberg.org® and archive.org ®

Each work is both informative and enlightening. Each is a piece of a very large puzzle that continues to grow over three thousand years after the first piece was placed.

Based on your own objectives, each book can provide entertainment, education or strategies for dealing with the circumstances in your life and world. As a home schooling supplement, most of these books can provide students with a stronger base for future studies because most of these books are required reading in several of the finest universities.

The picture that the puzzle reveals is a mirror that helps both you and your adversaries understand each other


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